(Reviews: 32)
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- Advantages
Very well packaged with good accessories. Was shipped out quickly with no problems.
- Comment
Very well packaged with good accessories. Was shipped out quickly with no problems.
- Comment
Just received my package. Everything seems to be fine the only concern I have is how do I turn off the device? There are 2 buttons on top of the device but I don't know what they do but they don't turn it off.
- Administrator reply
- Thank you for your purchase and for taking the time to leave a review! We're glad to hear your package arrived safely. To turn off the device, simply press the wheel button twice in quick succession. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. Enjoy your new device!
- Advantages
Fits perfectly in my pocket.
Package arrived extremely protected.
- Disadvantages
The selector buttons feel a bit cheap.
- Comment
I am just in love of how those devices look and feel. I wanted to get started in the sdr world for a while now but didn't know with what product to start. I chose this hackrf h2 and it didn't disappoint one bit! It feels amazing in hand and fits in almost anything. Also the customer support was very helpful and replied very fast to my questions. I recommend this device to anyone who is just starting getting into the sdr world!!
- Comment
The product corresponds to the description, product arrived well and not damaged. Shipping took about 2 weeks.
- Advantages
Well packaged
Already assembled
- Comment
The package arrived well packaged. Thank you to the store.
- Comment
It took exactly 15 days as stated on the checkout page to arrive, good packaging and while assembled. I have tried it with SDRAngel and it works very well.
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