(Reviews: 2)
Having trouble deciding on which product to buy? Dive into the reviews for all the products in Software Defined Radio and make an informed choice!
- Advantages
Great product, what makes a HackRF even more valuable.
I can recommend the PortaPack, so you can go portable and to alle the nice things HackRF can do, without the need of a computer.
- Disadvantages
I had a problem with the PortaPack, but it was solved very correctly by SDRStore.
Remember only that they're very busy, so be patient and everything comes allright.
- Comment
They helped very wel and friendly.
- Advantages
Great addition for the HackRF One.
It gives many options, tools etc, without having a computer at hand.
Had a little bit problems with my Portapack but SDRSTORE solved it perfectily.
They're very busy, so be patient for there answers.
For the rest, I'm very happy with it :-)
- Disadvantages
Only thing what is, for me, a minor is the dialwheel, it feels a bit "flimsy", and personaly I would prefer a dial knop instead of a wheel.
- Comment
Good trustworthy shop to buy, with great service.
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Amazing product. It arrived well packed and with no problems. Currently I am installing the mayhem apps on the sd card. I can't wait to use it:)
- Advantages
Arrived very quickly and without damage. I am very satisfied
- Comment
- Advantages
Duże możliwości
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Przesyłka w terminie. Duża wszechstronność urządzenia. Jestem pod wrażeniem. Dołączony do zestawu wzmacniacz, koniecznie powinien posiadać złącze usb-c.
- Comment
It works as it should. It updates without problem. Packed with the greatest care. The product is worth the price. I recommend the store!
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Fast delivery! It's a perfect product for me. I recommend it to others.
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Really birght LED besides that its awesome.
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Super fast shipping. Great product. It works in all modes. If you put 6mm packers between the board and the protective screen, it all sits nicely with no rattling. Green power LEDs are very bright but no issue. Great store, quality product.
- Comment
I received it in 10 days! If you put it the weekend, it will 14 days. I am extremely satisfied.
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