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KerberosSDR - 4 Channel Coherent RTL-SDR for direction finding, passive radar, beam forming
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34692 41372 You save: 66.79
KerberosSDR – A 4-Channel Phase Coherent RTL-SDR for Passive Radar, Direction Finding and More! The RTL-SDR software defined radio phenomenon has changed the world by unlocking low cost access to the radio spectrum. Whilst RTL-SDR is now a relatively mature commodity item that almost everyone...
KrakenSDR - 5 Channel Coherent RTL-SDR
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90516 1,17709 You save: 271.93
KrakenSDR is a Software-Defined, Coherently Operated, Five-RX-Channel Radio Based on RTL-SDR A coherent radio allows for very interesting applications, such as radio direction finding, passive radar, and beamforming. Some use cases include: Physically locating an unknown transmitter of...
KrakenSDR - 5 Channel Coherent RTL-SDR + Antenna
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1,46532 1,53397 You save: 68.65
KrakenSDR is a Software-Defined, Coherently Operated, Five-RX-Channel Radio Based on RTL-SDR A coherent radio allows for very interesting applications, such as radio direction finding, passive radar, and beamforming. Some use cases include: Physically locating an unknown transmitter of...
KrakenSDR - Only antennas
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46282 53146 You save: 68.65
KrakenSDR is a Software-Defined, Coherently Operated, Five-RX-Channel Radio Based on RTL-SDR A coherent radio allows for very interesting applications, such as radio direction finding, passive radar, and beamforming. Some use cases include: Physically locating an unknown transmitter of...
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